Privacy Statement – (OBC)

Otmoor Ltd operates the software used by and its member clubs. Throughout this statement, every reference to OBC includes the website, member clubs and Otmoor Ltd.

Questions and comments concerning The OBC Privacy Policy should be addressed to the OBC and made in the first instance by contacting the office address listed in contacts.  Alternatively, emails can be sent to

OBC will use its best endeavours to safeguard the privacy of its internet visitors. Those site visitors are either registered users or unregistered visitors.

OBC runs oil buying clubs for the purpose of gathering orders from club members and placing them with heating oil suppliers for supply to members. This whole process is referred to as the Service throughout this policy.

This policy describes how OBC may obtain and process the information that is gathered from its websites.

Without members express permission OBC will never disclose any information to third parties except for the purposes of fulfilling its services or for the reasons shown in section 8.

The Privacy Policy may be varied from time to time at the discretion of OBC.

By applying and then joining a club the members are giving OBC the express permission to use the personal data they have supplied for the purpose of carrying out the services.

Unless specifically identified when the information is supplied we do not collect any information from unregistered users that can be linked to an individual. With the exception of any specifically identified information, all unregistered user information is held anonymously.

In agreeing to provide personal information by electronic means individuals and organisations do not forfeit their rights as prescribed under the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant regulations. OBC will continue to apply the same level of care and rigour to safeguard the privacy of OBC registered users and other visitors to its Websites.

1:  What is the legal basis for collecting and processing information?

We gather and retain personal information for registered users (club members). On joining an oil buying club a member agrees to allow OBC to use their personal information, both the information provided by the member and the information gathered by OBC, for the provision of the services.

We gather personal information for non-registered users purely for the purposes of advising them of opportunities to use the services as they become available. This information is gathered with the users express permission.

2:  How is personal information collected?

Personal information may be collected with the consent of the user by way of interactive submission through the website.

Personal information may be requested in person by a member of OBC.

Website usage information linked to a member is gathered through the use of cookies and analytics tools.

3:  What information is collected?

OBC may collect information appropriate to the service which is requested. This is:

  • Member account details; name, email, telephone, address.
  • Delivery and invoicing details; name email, telephone, address.
  • Heating Oil order requirements; quantity, urgency.

In the course of operation, OBC may record information which is provided automatically by a user’s computer system by use of analytics tools such as Google Analytics and the use of Cookies. This information may include:

  • User location, time, device.
  • Time on the website, pages visited, activities undertaken.

4:  How does OBC use this information?

There are various reasons why personal information is gathered electronically which includes but is not limited to;

  • Provision of the services offered by OBC.
  • Provision of other services offered by OBC.
  • Participation in electronic surveys
  • Participation in events offered by OBC

Information gathered with the explicit consent of the user will only be used for the purpose for which it was intended except in those circumstances where OBC must provide it to fulfil statutory obligations.  OBC may use personal details to contact the user directly for the purposes of obtaining further information needed to fulfil the original purpose.  OBC may use personal information to contact users by electronic or physical means including but not limited to;

  • Sending e-mail to those that have requested it
  • Telephoning users to obtain additional information and clarification
  • Other electronic and physical correspondence.

Information that is gathered automatically without the explicit consent of the user will not be used by OBC to identify an individual. OBC may use this information for the purposes of demographic and statistical reporting with the purpose of enhancing the services that it offers to OBC members and other users.  OBC may make this information available to others to fulfil its statutory obligations.

5:  Electronic Mail

OBC will endeavour to use e-mail addresses supplied to it conscientiously and with due regard for the wishes of the owner of the address.

Individuals related to a commercial organisation may receive e-mail from OBC on behalf of the commercial organisation where a relationship between OBC and the commercial organisation has been previously established.

OBC may disclose email addresses to a third party.  The emails addresses may only be used for OBC business (for example order details transmission or club updates) and shall not be retained by the third party.  Under no circumstances will OBC supply member details to any third party for any other reason than the provision of the services, without first obtaining the permission of the member.

OBC will send email addresses to third parties when required to do so for the purposes of providing the services. Those third parties may use the information provided to contact users as part of the service provision.

6:  OBC Electronic Mailing Lists

OBC may operate automated electronic mailing lists to provide services and benefits to OBC members and others in a timely and convenient manner.

Individuals receiving e-mail from OBC electronic mailing lists will;

  • Have provided an e-mail address to OBC.
  • Consented (by joining the club) to OBC sending e-mail to the address provided.
  • Be provided with instructions to be removed from the e-mail list within each and every correspondence made on behalf of the list.

7:  What information may the OBC store on a user’s computer?

Information that is obtained by users of OBC websites may be stored persistently by the user’s computer. This may occur by interactive or automatic means and is beyond the control of OBC.  In order to provide electronic services in a timely and convenient manner, it may be necessary for OBC to store information on a user’s computer system by way of an electronic token known as a cookie. Such a token will contain only the information necessary to operate the service and is the only means by which OBC will store information onto a user’s computer.  The express knowledge and consent of the user will be required.  Token files created by OBC will;

  • be obviously identifiable
  • may not interfere with the operation of the user’s computer in any other way
  • will only be used for the current session, once logged out the cookie becomes inactive.

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we will assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on our website. However, if you would like to, you can change your cookie settings at any time.  How to change your Cookie Settings

8:  How may OBC disclose information to third parties?

OBC may disclose your personal information and any information gathered automatically when required by law or in the good-faith believe that such actions are necessary to;

  • Conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process served on OBC
  • Protect and defend the rights or property of OBC, or visitors to the OBC Websites
  • Identify persons who may be violating the law, the legal notice, or the rights of third parties;
  • Cooperate with the investigations of purported unlawful activities.

9:  Data Retention
OBC will retain data for members for a period of 18 months after a member leaves a club operated by OBC.  After the 18 month period all information that could identify the member will be removed from the system.

10:  Security
OBC will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal data it gathers in the course of operating electronic computer systems will be kept securely and within the control of OBC at all times. OBC will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that all representations made for and on behalf of OBC will be clearly identifiable.

11:  Data Protection

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 a user within the United Kingdom can make a formal request for the following information to be disclosed;

  • Clarification that their personal data is being processed by OBC
  • A description and a copy of such personal information
  • The reasons why such data is being processed
  • Details of to whom they are or may be disclosed
  • OBC reserves the right to charge an administration fee commensurate with the time and expertise needed to provide such information.