Our experience is that local community clubs are a great success. The Oilbuyingclub.com system doesn’t compete with existing community groups but it does make them easier to run and manage; good for club administrators and members alike.
We have a simple 3 step guide to starting a new club in your local community. If you have roughly 20 oil users who would like to work together to save money on their heating bills then you have the basis to launch your own club. Read the guide to starting a club here.
The system from Oilbuyingclub.com is free to use for community clubs, all you need to do is contact us and we will help you set up your club and get you started. We can also help with introductions to local suppliers. Read the guide to starting your own club here.
If you are an existing club then moving to the Oilbuyingclub.com system couldn’t be easier. We have experience of moving large and small clubs across to the system. As you would expect we treat information carefully and ensure that existing members are always kept up to date on the transfer process. So far 100% of transferring members have moved successfully ensuring a trouble-free migration for club managers.
Having established the club running an order couldn’t be easier; see here for an overview of the process. Most clubs order monthly; the largest order twice a month in winter. Many clubs take a break in August, a combination of summer weather and holidays leading to very low demand.
The system works on all devices; tablets, phones, and desktops. It’s secure and reliable.
Finally, our experience has shown that there are ways to grow a club beyond the initial membership. Several of our clubs have doubled in size since launch.